Monday, January 30, 2012

Don't count your chickens before you Blog.

I spoke too soon. Last night Rob and I were awoken by Matt crying in his bed. Come to find out he had vomited on himself and in his bed. Team parents went to work to calm the sad sick child and clean up the mess. New sheets, clean cloths, almost fixed up and Matt vomits on him and dad and the floor. New cloths for both, out comes the spot cleaner for the carpet. I found a bucket and comforted Matt, he has never been a big pucker. It is a scary thing for a kid, to not know what your body is doing. We get things cleaned up and Matt in bed with a bucket close by. It was settled that Rob would go back to bed and I would stay with Matt so he wouldn't be alone. Two minutes later down comes Rob with Seth needing a feeding. Seth back to bed in time to catch another round from Matt, poor kid ended up tossing cookies 8 times in the night every half hour (one more feeding for Seth ). Every time Matt moved or rolled over I was worried he would vomit on himself again so I didn't get much sleep.

Matt spent most of the morning watching cartoons and battling diarrhea. 5 pairs of undies latter Matt goes to take a nap (4 hours long) and Seth starts in for my attention. I was able to catch a few winks today but I am beat. By the end of the night Matt was starting to be more like himself and keeping a little bit of food in him. I am hopeful that tonight will be better. But I am not saying any more for fear of karma coming back.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Pink Bubble Gum out of our Ears!

Our house has been under attack lately. Seth had a cough for a while and gave it to Matt because Matt can't stay out of Seth's face. Matt had a cough and congestion. On Wednesday night Matt told me his ear hurt. The next morning I asked him if it still hurt, he said no. I had figured with all the blowing of his nose he just needed it to pop. That night he woke up crying that his ear hurt so we drugged him up for the night and Friday morning I made the appointment to take him in. Rob took the day off work to take him in and the doc found a double ear infection. The doc said that Matt has a high tolerance for pain, (he gets that from both parents) because they were big time infected. Rob picks up the amoxicillin and off they go.

I had taken Seth to the Moss house so I could go to work and Rob only had one kid to deal with. Soon after getting to work SueAnn lets me know that Seth is not acting like himself. He doesn't want to eat, all he wants to do is sleep and it hurts to do that. She gave him some Tylenol and he finally fell asleep but didn't eat. I call the doc on my way back to their house to make an appointment for Seth. Turns out the brothers had shared without my knowing. Seth had the start of an ear infection in only one ear. So more Tylenol and more amoxicillin for Seth. The receptionist and the pharmacist recognized the last name from that morning and gave me sympathy.

This is the result of the Day to the Doctors.

Let's hope this is the worst that the winter brings.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Good Bye

This last Saturday I gave Rob the unfortunate duty of taking the black cat to the " old cats home". He had been sick for a long time and was starting to forget where his bathroom was. I would clean the litter box every day and still sometimes come upstairs to a fresh mess. I couldn't have that and have a baby on the floor. Besides he was really sick and it was not good for him to go on like that. When I went to work that day I told Matt to say good bye to the cat so he did so sweetly and told me " Mom he is going to the old cats home for two weeks" I said ok dear. How do you explain to a 3 year old the death of a cat. A white lie for the sake of my dear sweet boy.

I have had Blacky for about 13 years and he was at least two years old when I got him, if not a little more. He has moved with me to 6 different places, up to Tomah and back. He has been through a boyfriend, a fiance, and a husband. He was my little buddy. Blacky would only come out when I was around and no one else. He bolted from any room someone new was in. It took Rob manny years to be able to be in the same room as Blacky. Rob would think it a red letter day when he would be able to pet that cat. My brother Ken had nick named him "chicken Little" because he was so skidish of new people. No one would know I had two cats for they never saw the black one.

Blacky would always come snuggle me and purr really loud when I pet him. At night I would tell him it was time for bed and he would race me to get in bed and keep me warm. Blacky was a really good pet and I know its silly to cry and miss a pet but I do. I like to think of him not suffering anymore and happy again. Dickens, I think, is a little lost for I got them at the same time. Unfortunately his time it ticking away, I believe he has glaucoma in his eye. but we will keep him around for a while.

I will always remember you Blacky.

Friday, January 20, 2012

New Stove

Because I have been home more often these days I have trying my hand at cooking. Not just opening a box and warning things up. I have been experimenting with different things and Rob is so hungry at the end of the day he eats it without complaining. However the stove was not use to working so hard and neither was the oven. They decided to go on strike and not work. I would preheat the oven and most times it wold never turn on and there I was scrambling to find another way to make dinner. One day I got so fed up with dealing with my union stove that I told Rob to get in the truck and we are taking a family trip to Sears to replace it right now! When we were there Matt wanted to try the stoves too, unfortunately the knobs turned the opposite way than ours and our stubborn child ripped the knob right off. Oops!! We quickly settled on one and had it a few days later.

And it came with a way cool toy! A big empty box. I found a curtain I had made a long time ago and put it at the bottom, turned the box on its side and voila a fort. I got tons of stickers out for him to decorate the inside with. He loves it and I like my new stove.

We even found the perfect spot where it is out of the way. Hours of fun!

Yesterday after watching Up Matt got out his binoculars and went for a snipe hunt. I just had to laugh.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Wisconsin Weather

You got to love Wisconsin weather. On Wednesday last week it was great weather outside. High 40's to mid 50's. Defiantly not the usual January weather, low 20's to below 0. I could get use to weather like that all winter. However mother nature had a different idea. This is Matt and I enjoying the outside sunshine during one of Seth's' nap. He has a fishing pole and we are pretending to catch fish.

Sunny Day one day!

He is showing me the fish.

Reeling in a big one!

The next day SNOW!

"Helping " Dad shovel.

Cold rosy cheeks. Not like the day before.
Got to love Wisconsin crazy weather.

Seth: 3 Months

My little man has made it to the third month. He is staring to get more and more fun. He has more wakeful moments and during those times he loves to "talk" (more like gurgling) and smile. Babies have just the best smiles ever. About a week before Christmas Seth gave Daddy the first hit of a giggle and now everyday it's a game to see who can get Seth to laugh, Rob and I are pretty even. Seth is almost constantly sucking on his hands and fingers but won't take a nuk for the life of him. Even at rest times he will take one for a brief time then spit it out. But this way I don't need to break him of the habit later, tho sometimes it would be nice to have a mute button. He is getting to be a very healthy boy, he is up to about 15 pounds already! We like to call him chunky monkey and tease him about being round. Seth is holding his head up great these days, soon we will see how he likes the johny jump-up. We love having him in our family.

Matt is getting use to having Seth around. Now that he is slightly less demanding I get to spend more time with Matt. Matt loves listening to books read to him, He would have me read to him for hours if I could. Matt loves his little brother, loves to talk to him get him to smile and he is always giving him kisses.

Seth 3 months old

Best brothers!

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Witching Hour

As I lay awake in bed, knowing full well I should be asleep for I will need to get up in the night, I can't help but think what an awful mom I am. I can always tell when it gets to 5 o'clock, Matt turns into the devil and my head starts to spin around. It seem that by 5 I can no longer stand my kids. Matt is just more articulate about his demands, not that Seth isn't vocal.

I have spent the whole day listening to the weird and loud noises Matt makes, and the demands of "look at this", "I want that", and "I just" need to do exactly the opposite of what you are asking me to do. That kid has so much energy he literally bounces off the walls. Shoot I bet he vibrates just sitting still. I have come to think of him like a puppy. Give him lots of love and affection, lots of exercise (on walks he even has to stop and touch everything), feed regularly and watch for signs he need to relieve himself.
Seth is hot on his heals as fare as demands go, he is just too small yet to know any better. Poor kid gets put on hold a lot and he has learned how to scream about it.

By 5 in the evening I am trying to get dinner going so it will be ready when Rob gets home (I am trying to get better at cooking), Matt is wound tighter than a snare drum and Seth is getting hungry again. I feel my patience flying out the window, my kids know it and go in for the kill. I find myself yelling way too much and hating myself for doing it. I know that if I can make it through the witching hour I am in the home stretch till bed time and it will all start again tomorrow.

I am determined to survive parenting one witching hour at a time.