Friday, May 8, 2009


Matthew and I had an opportunity to go to see Ken Amber Chad and Natalie in Seattle. They recently added to their family, a baby girl born March 25; 7 pounds 13 oz. and 20 inches. So we all went to go see her.

Matt did good on the plane, as well as can be expected while looking at every thing. Take off and landing was good. I brought all kinds of toys and sill wasn't enough.

Today we went to see the big space needle and rode a train to see the market place with the ripest fruit and beautiful flowers. Matt got to ride in his Jeep (front carrier) and got tired cranky a few times but we had a good time. From there we went to see the locks and dames and the fish ladder. Lots of walking and Matthew is not a feather any more so I am pooped. Sorry no pictures, when I get back to Wisconsin I will post them.