Tuesday, November 15, 2011

This was so funny I had to take pictures and tell everyone about it. The Other day I was feeding Seth and Matt was wondering about how and what and being 3 and asking all kinds of questions. I tried to tell him as close to the truth and keep it kid friendly so he understood.

A few days later I was feeding Seth (again) and Matt wanted to do it too. He went and got his doll and came to sit by me and had to take his shirt off so it would go better. With out prompting or anything he sits down and starts to feed and burp his doll. I yelled for Rob to grab the camera so we had some black mail for later.

He is just trying to fit in the new way of life. Too Funny!

First he tried the football hold.
Then the Cross cradle.

Then the burp. What a good little daddy.


  1. Hello everyone Cute photos. Matt just wants to learn and do everything.Hope you will have a wonderful weekend next week.
    we will be thinking of you. Love Grandma

  2. HOLD THE PHONE! I didn't even notice this the first time around, but Matt has a dolly?!

    You guys are trying to screw this kid up on purpose aren't you? Seriously, I'm surprised that I have only seen one picture of him in a dress.
